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DEA Requirements

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Helping You Meet Security Requirements & Compliance Regulations

We guide and consult people just like you every day on the proper storage of Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 controlled substances and narcotics to meet DEA Diversion Control and Controlled Substance Act (CSA) requirements. The safety and security of your people and organization are a vital part of your success, our team of experts will help you navigate the myriad of regulations to find the right safe or cabinet to meet your exact needs. What are your requirements and how can we help? Contact Travis, Roxie, Johnny or Kris today.

DEA Approved Drug Cages, Safes and Cabinets

When it comes to the physical security control measures for controlled substances in Schedule I, II, III, IV and V, there are a variety of solutions available to meet your unique compliance requirements. From DEA Approved Controlled Substance Storage Cages and wire pharmacy partitions to UL Listed burglary-resistant safes and lockers, we have a solution to meet your needs. Consulting for DEA compliance is the best first step and we welcome a conversation today.

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Approx. Dimensions Needed (H x W x D): 
What Schedule are you storing?:
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Option 1 - Self-Service Pricing

Our self-service quote system will send you general pricing via email in just a few minutes! This tool is useful for planning and budgetary purposes. Search our catalog of products and parts, add them to your quote cart and have a quote emailed to you within minutes – it’s that easy! You will want to work closely with a K.L. Security consultant when you are ready to request specific pricing and configuration options.

Option 2 - Full-Service Pricing

Our full-service quote system will put you in contact with our experienced security consultants to help determine the best product configuration for your specific application, as well as provide specific pricing detail.

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We believe you deserve the best advice, service, quality and value every time you call, click or chat with us.


Toll Free: 1.866.867.0306

Fax: 765.497.2438

NarcoticsSafes.com, A Division of K.L. Security Enterprises, Inc.

928 Robinson Street

West Lafayette, IN 47906. USA

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